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The most common form of skin cancer, basal cell carcinoma stems from the deepest layer of the epidermis by the hair follicle and sweat ducts. This is a slow-growing tumorous cancer that rarely metastasizes and is caused by an overexposure to UVB radiation. Risk factors include fair skin, sun exposure, age (over 50) and exposure to ultraviolet radiation (tanning beds).

How To Detect Basal Cell Carcinoma

  • Basal cell carcinoma can present in many ways including a pink or pearly white bump, raised and pigmented skin that looks like a mole with a pearly edge, a sore that continuously heals and re-opens or scaly/waxy scars with blurred edges.

  • Any spot that bleeds repeatedly or does not heal.

  • Basal cell carcinoma must be diagnosed by a dermatologist with Confocal Microscopy and/ or biopsy.


How To Prevent Basal Cell Carcinoma

  • Stay out of the sun during peak hours (10am to 3pm), cover the body with UV-protective clothing, especially the arms and the legs, and wear a hat and sunglasses.

  • Wear sunscreen year round with a high SPF. Look for products that use the term “broad spectrum” that work against both UVA and UVB rays.

  • Self-check skin monthly and contact your dermatologist if there are any changes.

  • Schedule regular skin examinations. Anyone with a family history of skin cancer, a history of blistering sunburns, an incidence of 25 moles or more on the body or who are on medications that can compromise the immune system, should have an annual eye exam and appointment with a dermatologist.

  • Maintain a regular antioxidant treatment such as antioxidant serums, sun protective creams and Polypodium and Nicotinamide pills that work to combat free radical damage in skin.

  • Anticancer creams such as Imiquimod maybe tailored to reduce pre-cancer and skin cancer without blistering

Common Treatments For Basal Cell Carcinoma

At Kline Dermatology, we offer treatments to cure the basal cell carcinoma cancer. Following are some of the treatments available:

  • Cryosurgery

  • Curettage and desiccation (scrapping out the tumor and killing remaining cancer cells with an electric current)

  • Mohs micrographic surgery

  • Surgical excision

  • PDT red light

  • Prescription medicated creams

  • Excision

  • Special laser techniques 

Basal Cell Carcinoma

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